“From Stuttering to… Stuttering” Blog
Public Speaking with a Stutter: Difference Between Fear and Shame
There’s a fundamental difference between the traditional stage fright and stuttering: stage fright often invokes fear. Stuttering in front of people often invokes shame. What’s the difference?
Being OK With a Stutter
Not everyone who stutters wants to change their innate speaking voice. I can hate the stigma without hating my voice.
The Good of Regret
Maybe that’s what I’d tell my younger self: don’t wait for your sign from God. Do what you want to do, and do it scared.
Are We Truly Creating a Stutter-Friendly World for Children and Adults Who Stutter?
I can hardly blame parents and caregivers for their fear when they see messaging that paints stuttering as some "devastating human disorder". What other conclusions are left for them to draw?
Why Do I Stutter and How Do I Fix This?
After years being spent thinking my stutter could be cured by confidence, I accepted that the biggest problem isn’t my stutter. It’s society.