“From Stuttering to… Stuttering” Blog
Public Speaking with a Stutter: Difference Between Fear and Shame
There’s a fundamental difference between the traditional stage fright and stuttering: stage fright often invokes fear. Stuttering in front of people often invokes shame. What’s the difference?
Stop Praising Fluent Speech – is Lidcombe Programe “The Monster Program”?
Didn’t we, as a society, decide that shaming children about stuttering is a monstrous to do? Or does that only apply to fluent children? Lidcombe Programe makes us question…
Stuttering Secondaries - Strive to Empower, Not Fix
Instead of assuming that secondaries are inherently bad, we should work with individuals to understand their needs and preferences.
Children’s Book Review: Jacky Ha-Ha
This 2016 tween book from James Patterson, Jacky Ha-Ha, has been recommended for stuttering representation, but it ended up really letting me down.
Do We Need to Struggle to Stutter?
Is it possible to stutter without much of a struggle? Does that erase the stuttering experience entirely? Perhaps stuttering can be more of a shifting Venn Diagram than a set iceberg…
New Idaho State University President Stutters?!
Robert Wagner, person who openly stutters, is named the new president of Idaho State University.
I Don’t Want to “Slow Down”- Let Me Stutter
Being excited is my entire personality (jk, kinda not really). No “turtle talk” for me. Don’t tell me to slow down my speech just so you don’t have to listen to stuttering.
A Stuttering College Student’s Short Story
A “fiction” story from Spring 2013, where you get the truth about my feelings regarding speech therapy.
Shifting the Disability Lens for Stuttering [Mini]
The movement from ‘medical model of disability’ to ‘social model of disability’ might answer the “Is stuttering really a disability?” question all together. Of course it is, see: discrimination.
I Like My Stutter - A Stutterer Still Stuttering
Learning to like my stutter was never the plan. And yet, 10 years after I pledged to myself "I might hate my stutter, but I will thank God for it," I find myself here…. liking it.
Old Quotes by Child and Adult Stutterers
“I hated Kennedy. He talked too much. I hate anybody that talks a lot.” - A 5th grade boy in 1966
And other quotes
Why isn’t whole-person speech therapy happening for stuttering?
Why is it that many speech therapists have shifted their outdated views on what speech therapy for autistic kids looks like, but not for stuttering kids?