“From Stuttering to… Stuttering” Blog
Public Speaking with a Stutter: Difference Between Fear and Shame
There’s a fundamental difference between the traditional stage fright and stuttering: stage fright often invokes fear. Stuttering in front of people often invokes shame. What’s the difference?
Stop Praising Fluent Speech – is Lidcombe Programe “The Monster Program”?
Didn’t we, as a society, decide that shaming children about stuttering is a monstrous to do? Or does that only apply to fluent children? Lidcombe Programe makes us question…
Is stuttering being a “decent person filter” just an excuse to not deal with the issue?
Stutterers think ‘people can leave us or take us’ but ignore the systemic oppression that happens in an uneducated society.
“Out Of The Stuttering Closet”
How borrowed language from the queer community upset me and then taught me.
Disability Isn’t A Bad Word
Hundreds of people within the stuttering community will ask each other, “Do you consider stuttering a disability?” This question is just reeked in ableism. Please stop asking it.