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“Repetitions” Defined by a Stutterer

Could’ve nailed that tongue twister if not for the STUTTER! Actually, no, she still nailed it.

Today’s lesson is *checks notes* repetition. This is an easy one. Think Porky Pig. 🐷 Got it? Done.

OK - just kidding. Kind of.

Other things to know:

  • There are 2 types of repetition: partial-word (see image for example. typically this is one sound) repetition and full-word repetition (“Sometimes it be be be be like that.”)

  • Repetitions, like all parts of stuttering, are not always consistent. While there may be particular sounds someone does or doesn’t stutter on, it changes based on the moment.

  • While partial-repetition is commonly at the start of the word, and that is always how it is shown, it can show up in the middle of words as well. I often stutter on “accessi-b-b-b-b-bility’

✨✨ This is part of the speech terms as defined by a person who stutters series! These are not the clinical definitions! Though that would be sick. ✨✨

The Series:
Block | Repetition | Prolongation

See this gallery in the original post